Thursday, August 11, 2011

Silk purse, sow's ear, an archetypal exploration of the Feminine

My dear friend and colleague, Linda Albert and I, worked on the adage:  You can’t make a silk purse from a sow’s ear, to find out what message that might bring us from the Archetypal realm.  One of the premises of the work we do is that beneath what we think we know, there are objective meanings that deepen and enrich our understanding.  We took the adage and looked at it in the way we are training to read archetypal patterns.
We started with the the contextual:  when did the phrase arise, what were the conditions that it spoke to and then what is called the Manifest, what did it mean at the time and what does it mean now on the surface level.
Then we went through the adage word by word as we have learned to do and translate it into the two underlying elements:
1.   The psychological:  what would this say about a “dreamer” who had these images in their dream and what it might mean for them
2.   The archetypal:  what wisdom is the Objective Psyche expressing, what, if anything, is it compensating for, what is the message that we need to know.
The Contextual:
What we found was that this adage was first published in 1514 in England by British cleric and satirist  Alexander Barclay (1514) who said,  “None can make goodly silke of a gote's fleece.” This was follwed in 1611 by Randle Cotgrave, who wrote, A man cannot make a cheverill purse of a sow's eare.
And in 1659,  Jonathan Swift, also known for his satiric writing, is given authorship of this quote in its present form.  It also shows up in the 1800's in America and is extant and has energy to this day.  When looking at the history of early and late sixteenth century in Europe , it was clear that this was a time of unprecented change.  The beginning of the modern era, it saw a revolution in almost every aspect of life.  The century opened with the discovery of a new continent.  The renaissance in Italy was peaking, even arriving in England, which was then a backwater.  Life was largely prosperous for the average person, the economy was growing.  The mechanisims of commerce, systems of international finance, ocean going trading fleets and an entrepreneurial bourgeoisie were all building a recognizably capitalist, money based economy.  Geniuses were producing scientific innovations right and left.  Technological innovations like gunpowder were changing the nature of war and the military caste system of society.  The printing press created a media revolution.  It brought ideas, partisan rhetoric,how to manuals and, most importantly,  the Bible to the masses.
Contemporaries viewed the Reformation as the most earth-shattering change in the century.  The cultural consensus of Europe based on universal participation in the Body of Christ was broken.  This was never to be restored.  Along with that came challenges to secular society. It was into this setting that Barclay, who preceded the Reformation, intent on warning of the ills of change and wanting to preserve the power of the status quo and homeostasis of the old system, introduced this adage into the culture.
In England, Elizabeth,  co-opted the religious conflict and kept the culture from falling into chaos despite all the changes.  She become head of the Church of England, ostensibly organizing the country under neither a Catholic nor a Protestant banner.  With the ecclesiastic and monarchical power in her hand, Elizabeth both maintained a court and country where art, science and literature flourished, and which also gave rise to the Victorian period in England and eventually was the ancestor to our Puritan heritage. 

The Manifest: what it means on the surface
The most basic understanding is that you cannot take inferior material and make something of value from it. Those who would conserve the status quo were cautioning against the mixing of the classes.  The silk purse people, those with status and privilege, with treasure, did not want to see those resources fall into the hands of those who were close to Nature, who put their hands in the soil (who were lowly, unrefined, dirty).  Barclay saw people whose stations had once been more lowly as putting on airs as they began to share in the growing wealth and greater flexibility of the time. In this respect, it was a caution against thinking that you could actually change your nature and become refined when born into the lower, “coarser” classes.
When we break down the adage word by word, we get the following information.
You:  is a noun that denotes h the collective, the plural, and the individual.  This speaks to something that needs to be heard on all levels.  It is a command form to the ego and to the collective both.
Cannot:  Because this is a negative, we went to the denifition of can first:
Can:  to know how to, be able to, have the ability, power, right, qualifications, or means to…
Cannot: denying the right, extreme negation of ability, negation of probability, there is no possible alternative
·Prohibition (both externally and internally constellated archetypally evolved code)
·Caution and futility
·Lack of right and freedom (there is an authority greater than me that decides what is possible for me)
·Inhibitory (inhibits growth and integration of disparate elements) 
Make: actually requires agency, a someone or something that constructs, manufactures.  To make is to have something come into being from component parts, to bring into being from material that exists, transformation.  
So that the person, ego, collective cannot transform or create something into something else.  Material may or may be transformed into a different form, ie, iron into steel or material into a dress.   
Silk:  a material which is produced from the silk worm, it undergoes a process of transformation which required, in its inception, a tremendous amount of human energy to reel, spin and weave. It also involves the sacrifice of thousands of silk worms, all of whom die after they produce their silk and reproduce.  Because silk was discovered and exported from China, it speaks to a refined material from an exotic, ie: foreign place, which meant only the rich, the aristocracy and the nobility could afford to buy it, use it, enjoy it and flaunt it.  (The production of silk was exported to Europe as early as the 12 century, though European travelers and explorers became acquainted with it even ealier.  Silk still retains an aura of status and luxury to this day and continues, on the whole to be more costly than other materials.)

Purse: a purse is a container, thus a symbol of the Feminine.  It holds treasure,  gold, identity, and all other items that one carries to symbolize the self.  It is a uterine and a sexual organ symbol in a refined form.  Purses were used first mainly by men of the aristocracy and nobility as a way to demonstrate their status, power and wealth. 
From:  the starting point of an initative  - where something originates, used to express removal or separation in space, time, order, etc.

Sow:  the female of swine, an adult female hog, used for breeding,food for many, considered unclean and it’s flesh is forbidden by others, lives in mud, can be vicious, capable of eating her young, and someties is a lovable image in literature as in Charlotte's Web or an evil image in Lord of the Flies.  Most importantly, the sow is  also a symbol of the Great Mother, Demeter, the instinctual nurture, the terrible devouring mother who also gives birth, the symbol of all things:  birth and death, creation and destruction, the sensual, sex, dirt, feces, afterbirth, blood, gore, and all things beautiful as well. 

Ear:  the ear is an organ of perception, of hearing and listening.  A dismembered ear can no longer function to connect to awareness or consciousness (whether human or other).   And as we have seen, the sow is a symbol of the instinctual realm.  A sow’s ear, once severed from the body is useless, not only is the animal/body dead or dismembered, what is left behind is only a remnant which is considred of no value.  Today, pigs ears are sold as dog treats.   .

The Psychological:  what this means to aperson who has this image in their dream.
On the one hand, this is an expression of a complex in which the ego/self believes that they can never become/have or be the silk purse which contains treasure, which is refined and succesful in the world.  Beneath this complex though is the psychic reality that that the ego cannot hold the tension between the polarities of the Good and the Dark Mother and bring the psychic energy of the Dark Mother into awareness because the organ of perception has been severed from the source.   Both the collective and the personal have repressed, devalued and dismembered the instinctual and relegated it to the unconscious realm,  where it becomes contaminated with the unconscious elements.   As long as the sow’s ear, the world of the Dark Mother is rendered useless and unreachable, the silk purse, the container which hold’s the self’s treasure cannot come into being.  The dreamer needs to know that they have not only lost the connection to that realm, but that they reject the value in the sacred/sensual/dark realm that is part and parcel of the whole.  Without access to that world and awareness of its utility in an of itself, the ego will not find it’s treasure.   While it is totally accurate to say that you cannot take material from one realm and turn it into another for which it is not suited, it is also true to ask the dreamer what they devalue in themselves, what are they cut off from that has energy, depth and meaning.  The issue is not to transform the one into the other because that cannot be done, but rather to explore what is being inflated in value (the silk purse) at the cost of deflating the other value (the sow’s ear, the symbol of the rejected feminine, which includes creativity, sexuality and instincual life).   

The Archetypal:
On an archetypal level it seems clear that we are dealing with the archetype of the Feminine  - the symbolic womb nature of the image of the silk purse and the sow – at least with ear attached - seems to support that conclusion. In Neumann's “The Origin and History of Consciousness” we find that when the great Mother is turned into the Harlot from the Sacred Prostitute, the vessel of fertility, “the great reevaluation of the feminine begins its conversion into the negative, thereafter carried to extremes in the patriarchal religions of the west.”  He also says that  wherever there is prohibition of eating the flesh of the pig and the pig is held to be unclean, we may be sure of its originally sacred character.  By cutting off the sow's ear, we see her sacred energy snuffed out, and the further separation from her original sacred nature. 

When the instinctual, fearsome aspect of the feminie is thrust into the background,  only the picture of the good Mother is retained in consciousness, her terrible aspect is relegated to the unconscious.  This has resulted in the development of the original archetype of the Great Mother into that of the virgin and the whore. 

The point in not trying to make one into the other is this:  when one part of a whole is denigrated, disowned and stripped of it's sacred energy, it goes into the shadow or must live deep in the unconscious where it either cheats everyone of it's gifts or wreaks havoc on us as it is projected out or acted out without conscious collective or personal choice.  Both the masculine and the femine – both men and women – and the Mother earth who shelters and feeds us and the masculine that seeds the earth, suffer under this fragmentation and lack of partnership between a whole feminine and a whole masculine. 

So the reason you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear is that it will cause suffering and corruption of the archetype.  It's not a matter of turning one into the other, but rather of honoring both and holding the tension of the opposites consciously where we have choice rather than being playthings of those gigantic forces. To honor both equally in order to find that transcendent third.  That which lies in the unconscious must be approached with respect, awe and fear.

In much the same way as the psychological, this wise adage from the Objective Psyche tells us that indeed we should not attempt to approach the Black mother as though she were base and turn her into the Good Mother. Not only is it impossible, we should not attempt it.  The cautionary edge of the adage is clear, don’t do it because it cannot be done.  Humans cannot engage the Dark Mother, the voracious appepites, the destructive tendencies and sanitize them.   What is called for is a deep appreciation for both and an understanding of the costs incurred by the Psyche when one aspect is kept in the unconscious.  The goal is not to try to transform but to bring into consciousness those aspects that will erupt into our personal and collective lives because they are kept in the unconscious.  Another way to look at it is that which has been killed off cannot be transformed.

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